The Business Master (4th Edition)
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| Colorado Utilities Duplicate File Manager (CUDUP) (tm)
| version 2.1
| by
| Fred C. Hill
| Micro System Solutions (tm)
Your first use of CUDUP constitutes agreement to the following license
provisions. If you do not agree to them please do not use this program.
CUDUP is a copyrighted program offered 'as is' for your personal use,
testing and evaluation. A limited license is granted to use and to
duplicate this program for your personal use. After a reasonable period
of time (approx 2 weeks) you are expected to register with the author or
discontinue your use of this program.
Micro System Solutions authorizes you to make archive copies of this
software for the sole purpose of back-up and protecting your investment
from loss. The executable version along with this documentation, in an
unmodified format, may be freely shared with anyone.
This software may be used by one person on as many computer systems as
that person uses.
Micro System Solutions warrants any physical diskettes and documentation
provided to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period
of 30 days from the date of receipt. If you notify us of such a defect
within the warranty period, Micro System Solutions will replace the
defective diskette(s) or documentation at no cost.
Ombudsman Policy
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with
an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products.
Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
or send a Compuserve message via Compuserve Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536
CUDUP, CUDM, CUVL, & CULBL are trademarks of Micro System Solutions.
Colorado Utilities is a trademark of Micro System Solutions.
Turbo Professional is a trademark Turbo Power Software
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
IBM PC, XT, AT are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.
ARC is a trademark of System Enhancement Associates (SEA)
Additional Software
CUDUP requires no additional software to execute. It will, however, only
execute properly under MS/DOS version 3.0 and higher. (It has not been
tested under MS/DOS 4.x) You may elect to add one or more compression/
decompression programs from the following list:
ext pgm company version comments
ARC LARC K. Miki * using LHARC
LZH LHARC H.Yoshizaki 1.13
PAK PAK 1.6 * using ARC
ARC ARC SEA 6.0 * using PKPAK
CUDUP manipulates the files on your disk through standard DOS calls.
Neither the author nor Micro System Solutions accept any responsibility
for damaged or lost files, data or media from use of this program.
Hardware required
CUDUP runs on any 100% IBM compatible microcomputer. It will use as much
memory as you have available for the program and the required data storage.
No disk files other than the program (.EXE) file are required. This
documentation assumes you will be running CUDUP from a hard drive installed
as drive C:, however CUDUP will run from any hard or floppy drive on your
Although it has not been tested, CUDUP should run on a network drive as well.
No file locks are done however and contention problems may arise during file
deletions. Each user should have a registered copy of CUDUP or the
organization should have a LAN site license.
Name:____________________________ Company:_________________________
Address:_________________________ Title:___________________________
City:______________________ State:________ Zip:___________
Telephone:_____________________ Home( ) Office ( )
Where did you first get/hear of our product? ________________________
Colorado Utilities Duplicate File Manager (CUDUP) $17.00
includes diskette with:
1. Latest executable version
2. Documentation on disk
3. Shipping and Handling
Shipping and Handling add: $ 5.00
For overseas shipment add: $ 3.00
Colorado customers add 3% state sales
tax and appropriate local tax: $ _______
Order Total: $ _______
Diskette format 5.25"______ or 3.5"_______ (check one)
Send to:
Micro System Solutions
(circle one)
5048 W. Maplewood Ave.
Card No.___________________________
Littleton, CO 80123
Expiration Date:____/____
Orders may also be placed by sending an EasyPlex message on Compuserve
to PPN 76060,102. Please include your Visa or Mastercard information and
your name as it appears on the card, as well as a shipping address.
Executing CUDUP
Start CUDUP from the command line as follows:
CUDUP [/25] [/43] [/50] [/M] [/E] [/X] [/?] [d..d]
all parameters are optional and mutually exclusive.
/25 /43 or /50 will initialize the program in either 25 line
mode, or EGA 43 or VGA 50 line mode. If the correct
monitor is not available the program will default to
the startup mode. The system will return to the
startup mode when you Quit to DOS. You may select
either /43 or /50 if you have an EGA or VGA screen.
/M - initializes the program using the monochrome (B&W) colorset.
/E - disables compression library expansion. Only DOS files will be
processes during this session. This flag will revert to
the default expansion at the end of this session.
/X - disables use of expanded memory when swapping memory to delete
or list files contained in compression libraries.
/? - displays a help line describing the comand line options.
[d..d] - d..d are the optional disk drives to read from. The default
drive will be used if d is not provided. Up to four drives
may be included during one run. If there is insufficient
memory to read all files on all included drives, CUDUP will
stop reading and display those files it has found. CUDUP does
not check for duplicates until all files have been read.
CUDUP begins execution in the Main Menu. From this menu you may change the
operating environment such as screen colors, the scope of the duplicate file
test, and the files used in the match. You then have the option of
'Run'ning CUDUP to examine the disk files you have selected. When you are
finished with the list and hit the Esc key you will return to the Main Menu.
You must select the Quit option to exit to DOS.
CUDUP reads all included disks.... storing selected DOS files.... reading
any of the implemented compression library files.... and storing the
selected internal filenames into a large memory array. When (and if) the
available memory becomes full CUDUP will continue reading directories but
will not add additional files into the array.
When CUDUP finishes reading all filenames to be included, the array is
sorted and non-duplicates are discarded. The remaining files (duplicates)
are displayed.
Browsing through the list of files is done using the cursor control keys.
The program will terminate and return to the menu when the Esc key is hit
while in the file list window.
Deleting Files
To delete any of the duplicate files, you first position the cursor
(highlighted line) on the line containing the file to you want deleted. Hold
down the Ctrl key and hit 'D'. Upper or lower case is accepted.
You will be asked to confirm the deletion by answering 'Y' to the question
'delete file?'. Any answer other than 'Y' will abort the delete and continue
with the file list.
If the file to be deleted is a standard DOS file it will be deleted
immediately. (Remember that a compression library is a standard DOS file
and there may be duplicates on your disk. If you delete it you will also
delete the files contained within it.)
If the file is contained within one of the compression protocol library files
the appropriate program ('PKPAK', 'PKZIP', LHARC, etc.) will be called to
perform the actual deletion. No checks are made to insure the deletion took
place as requested.
If you delete the compressed library file the contents of that library will
remain on the duplicate list. Any attempt to delete those files will probably
result in an error. (No checks are currently made to insure the file is still
The current version performs all requested deletions as the request is made.
Future versions will provide an option to store all external calls to the
compression/decompression programs until you request an exit to DOS.
Listing Files
To list any of the duplicate files, you first position the cursor
(highlighted line) on the line containing the file to you want listed. Hold
down the Ctrl key and hit 'L'. Upper or lower case is accepted.
If the file to be listed is a standard DOS file it will be processed by a
built-in text file processor. If the file is compressed the appropriate
program ('PKPAK', 'PKZIP', LHARC, etc.) will be called to perform the actual
listing. No checks are made to insure the file is a listable file.
Files such as .EXE or .COM or binary data files may be listed but would not
have any meaning.
Environmental changes
CUDUP allows you to change the environment under which you operate. You make
changes from the Main Menu or when you enter the environment menu by hitting
the F10 key when in the file list. At the present time you may do any of the
Colors & Monochrome (B&W)
o You will select the part of the environment you want to
change colors on, the menu, list window, error messages,
regular messages, file compression window or the main
status screen.
- Each of the parts of the selected window or menu is then
available for selection. The frame, body, selected item,
etc depending on what is to be changed. When you
select the part a color window pop's up and allows you
to use the arrow keys to select the color combination
you like. Hit enter when on the color to effect the
- If you selected Monochrome from the menu or by the use of the
'/M' option on the command line, then the default colors will
be set automatically.
Screen Lines
o Using this option you can select either 25 line mode
(standard), 43 line EGA mode or 50 line VGA mode. Of
course you must have the correct monitor for this option
to work. It is ignored if the correct monitor is not in
Environmental changes (continued)
o Select which of the compression protocols you wish to make active
for the current and/or subsequent sessions. The following list of
programs are, at the present time, the only ones the program
expects to support. This could change if additional protocols
surface. CUDUP will support as many protocol upgrades as is
possible. Any of the following protocols not currently supported
can not be selected from the list.
ARC version 6.0
DWC version unknown
PAK currently version 1.6 ( plan to cover version 2.x)
LARC currently implemented using LHARC
LBR version unknown
LZH version 1.13 (expect new version any time)
MD version unknown
PKPAK not supported by PkWare. (implemented in CUDUP)
PKZIP version 1.10
ZOO version unknown
When you 'turn on' an entry in the file table by hitting <Enter> you
must fill in 6 entry fields. These are:
Description: 12 characters describing the protocol exp. ZIP ver 1.01
Dlt File: The name of the compression program used to perform
internal file deletions. This file must be in the
current DOS path. exp. PKZIP.EXE
Ext: File extention to look for when using this protocol.
Do not include the period. exp. ZIP
Delete option:up to 6 characters. This is the command line option used
when performing the delete function using the
compression protocol. exp. -d
Lst File: The name of the compression program used to perform
internal file listings. This file must be in the
current DOS path. exp. PKUNZIP.EXE
List option: up to 6 characters. This is the command line option
used when performing the list function using the
compression protocol. exp. -cm
When you 'turn off' an entry in the file table by hitting <Enter> the
current fields will remain in effect but will be 'turned off' for at
least this session.
Environmental changes (continued)
oScope is the degree to which CUDUP will check for duplicates.
Normally CUDUP will only check filenames. There are times when
this is not sufficient to find all "real" duplicates on the disk
being examined. Selecting Scope will allow you to add two
additional tests to the duplicate check. These are the file
size and the file creation date/time. When you include either of
these tests you are restricting the scope of files selected for
oMatch also restricts the duplicate tests made on the files on the
disk being tested. Select this menu option and when prompted you
enter a wild card file mask for the group of files you want tested.
The wild card mask is identical to the mask used on the DOS command
line. for example *.DOC will only examine files with an extension
of DOC.
Delete confirm
oThere may be times when you wish to disable the delete confirmation
request. Pressing enter while on this menu selection will turn
Delete confirmation on and off.
oSelecting this option will allow you to save any of your changes to
the executable file. (CUDUP.EXE) For that reason you must not
write protect the disk or set the executable to read-only unless you
do not intend to use this feature.
Future Revisions
CUDUP is by no means complete. Updates will be placed in Shareware
distribution channels as quickly as they become available and tested.
Thank you for trying CUDUP - Please register